Neurological Disorders

Neurological Disorders

Neurological Disorders

Whether from injury or a diagnosed neurological disorder, the body’s central nervous system is highly reactive to changes both inside and outside of the body.  When nervous system integrity  is impaired due to brain injury, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s Disease, or spinal misalignment, communication between the brain and the body can be dramatically compromised.

When this happens, a person can experience loss of muscle strength or control, issues with balance, as well as other symptoms like neck, back and headache pain.

Chiropractic medicine specializes in the health and alignment of the spine, which helps control and protect the central nervous system. That makes chiropractic medicine an extremely beneficial approach in managing the pain and progression of many neurological injuries and conditions. 


In its properly aligned position, the spinal cord forms a layer of protection around the nerves, which prevents unnecessary pressure on nerves, ligaments and muscles. However, when vertebrae shift out of alignment due to injury, sustained postures or even stress, nerves can be damaged or impinged in a way that compromises the nervous system’s ability to effectively communicate, as well as the body’s ability to function optimally.

Manual adjustments to the spine bring the body back into alignment, relieving pressure on individual nerves and allowing the whole nervous system to function as intended. 

Neurologic Disorders 

Nervous system-associated conditions like Multiple Sclerosis and Parkinson’s Disease often result in the loss of muscle strength and/or flexibility and a lack of muscle control, both of which inhibit mobility, balance and make performing once-simple tasks. 

Gentle, yet targeted adjustments to the spine allow better nerve communication and increased hormone production that allows all body systems to just work better. Additional chiropractic therapies focused on enhancing muscle strength and control, freeing restrictions that limit mobility, and improving balance can address pain, as well as the day-to-day symptoms of neurological disease progression. 


Traumatic brain injuries, including concussions from falls or accidents can not only cause pain, they can affect the brain’s ability to receive important nervous system messages regarding body functions. This can contribute to a great deal of frustration on the part of the patient, as well as negatively impact the speed and totality of their recovery effort. 

Ensuring that the joints and the vertebrae in the neck and spine are unimpeded can open up the message centers of the brain and improve the body’s innate ability to heal itself. 

In addition, a number of chiropractic therapies designed to stimulate the nervous system can fire up nerve activity and help restore healthy brain function. 

Chiropractic care is a safe, non-invasive way to help manage pain and symptoms, and often, slow the progression of many neurological conditions. Depending on the severity of a patient’s condition, chiropractic medicine can be used alone, or in conjunction with other treatments, to relieve pain and reduce markers of disease, greatly improving quality of life. 

By focusing on achieving optimal spinal health for each individual patient, DTX Sport Medicine’s team of chiropractic doctors work to improve nerve communication and overall body system function related to a variety of neurological disorders.

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DTX Sports Medicine can identify the cause of your pain and use proven modalities to relieve discomfort and slow the progression of symptoms to keep you active.