Chronic & Acute Pain

DTX Sports Medicine, Chronic & Acute Pain
DTX Sports Medicine, Chronic & Acute Pain

Chronic & Acute Pain

Pain is the body’s way of telling you that something is not quite right, and it should never be ignored.

With a fall, accident or sports injury, pain is often impossible to ignore because it’s obvious that structural damage has occurred. The sudden, or acute pain that generally accompanies broken bones, muscle and ligament tears and strains, and dislocations generally requires immediate rest and attention, but is usually fully resolved with time and treatment.

Pain that has been present for six months or longer is known as chronic pain, and while you may be able to trace it back to a previous event or injury, it lingers even after treatment is over.  This is often because healing wasn’t fully complete or the body-specific issues that led to injury were not addressed.  

In other cases of chronic pain, discomfort comes on gradually over time from repetitive motions, and wear and tear to the joints, ligaments and bones, and then it progresses to the point of more severe pain or injury.

In fact, many times when athletes and other patients suffer an acute injury to the knee, back, etc., they report having had lingering discomfort there for a while. 

For this reason it’s best to have all pain evaluated. The nagging ache in your knee could be from a hip misalignment or uneven gait, and the dull throb in your dominant shoulder could be warning of a frazzled rotator-cuff. When pain is addressed at the onset, it can be rehabbed and prevent the progression to more severe pain or injury.

Sports chiropractic care is extremely beneficial in finding relief from both acute and chronic pain. 

Chiropractic takes a holistic approach to pain relief, searching for the root issues that led to pain in the first place.  This often includes assessing a patient’s posture, walking/running stride and body mechanics to determine limitations in mobility, flexibility and range of motion. 

Restrictions, constrictions and misalignments along the spine or in other joints, especially after an injury there, can impede nerve function and limit range of motion. 

Through manual manipulations and other proven modalities, sport chiropractors can gently correct these restrictions to achieve body alignment, improve mobility and enhance overall physical function.  

With some acute pain, when no fracture or serious underlying condition is present, chiropractic treatment and rehabilitation therapy can be started right away to boost mobility and provide relief.  In situations when a bone is broken or surgery is necessary, sports chiropractic is a great adjunct treatment to orthopedic interventions and can be used post operatively to achieve more complete healing. 

With chronic conditions, there is a great deal of evidence showing sports chiropractic care to be helpful in addressing low back, neck, and headache pain, as well as joint issues that impede daily activities and interfere with athletic training.

Sport chiropractic focuses on assessing and treating a variety of issues associated with the musculoskeletal and nervous systems to enhance communication between  these two body systems, and encourage optimal body function. Hands-on manipulation therapy combined with proven, state-of-the-art treatment modalities and body mechanic consultation can help with existing injuries, as well as in preventing future injury or re-injury. 

Chiropractic care has a bonus affect of improving emotional health as well since depression and other mood disorders are often associated with chronic pain or lack of activity. 

Whether your pain is due to age, overuse or injury, early evaluation is key. DTX Sports Medicine treats acute and chronic pain in patients of all ages.

Call DTX Sports Medicine Today!

DTX Sports Medicine can identify the cause of your pain and use proven modalities to relieve discomfort and slow the progression of symptoms to keep you active.