Motor Vehicle Accidents

DTX Sports Medicine Motor Vehicle Accidents
DTX Sports Medicine Motor Vehicle Accident

Motor Vehicle Accidents

Physical Injuries

Accidents from motor vehicles cause injuries in our physical body that no one should ever overlook. If survivors think of luck when they don't feel any pain after the accident, it should still never bring any complacency as most injuries appear or are felt days or weeks after. And remember, these pains may vary depending on the injury that occurred inside the body.

A majority of the injuries produced in motor vehicle accidents involve minor to severe damage to the muscles, tendons, and ligaments. If not visible, these injuries may be felt in the way of sprains, strains, or bruising. These occur with pain that is long lasting and often, even after going into the doctor, you’d still endure it. Cases of motor vehicular accident injuries have patients who lost hope after the accident; letting the pain consume them or just letting physical inability block their dream of full recovery.

Emotional Toll

Surviving a motor vehicle accident and undergoing the treatment or recovery for it isn’t a walk in the park. In fact, it isn’t only a call for physical healing, the accident also poses emotional stress that may further hinder the potential for recovery. 

Whether it be a worry of almost losing a life, or a worry about who will take care of the family if you did not make it; a lot of things may be running inside the mind of a survivor, this proper and effective way to relax the mind can definitely help. 

In fact, the Anxiety and Depression Association of America categorizes this emotional stress as a “trauma that’s deeply distressing and disturbing”. This emphasis shows the damage that injuries of vehicular accidents may imprint on the victim. The Association furthered that because of the damage mentally, the survivor must have access to services that improve self-care like those that calm and relax the mind and body to aid in the process. 

After any necessary medical treatment, survivors who have been injured by motor vehicular accidents also benefit from services that relax their mind but are still managed by experts and professionals like Infrared Sauna, Massage Therapy, Cupping, Red Light Therapy, etc. The sooner they can access these, the faster the recovery mentally. 

Relief From Motor Vehicle Accident Injuries: DTX Sports Medicine Can Help!

With experienced professionals with multiple areas of focus, DTX Sports Medicine is a place of hope for your injuries from any motor vehicle accidents. We aspire to help you regain your mobility, flexibility, and physical health through different services like Functional Range Conditioning, Kinetisense Movement Technology, Myoacoustic Compression Therapy, Chiropractic Care, Spinal Decompression, and more. We tailor and personalize the service always based on your recovery needs. Holistic care and recovery for your motor vehicle injuries are waiting for you here at DTX Sports Medicine.

Call DTX Sports Medicine Today!

DTX Sports Medicine can identify the cause of your pain and use proven modalities to relieve discomfort and slow the progression of symptoms to keep you active.