Foot & Ankle Pain

DTX Sports Medicine, Foot & Ankle Pain
DTX Sports Medicine, Foot & Ankle Pain

Foot & Ankle Pain

The bones and tissues of the feet and ankles can be subject to a lot of abuse.  Not only do they support the entirety of one’s body weight when simply standing, they also accept the full force of more strenuous weight-bearing activities like walking, running, and jumping. 

Over time, biomechanic instability, repetitive motions, and even aging can lead to acute and chronic pain in the feet and ankles. While athletes are particularly susceptible, anyone can experience foot pain or injury such as:

*plantar fasciitis
*achilles tendonitis

Sports chiropractors have many methods for treating foot pain and speeding up the healing process after injury. 

Adjustments to the foot and ankle area can realign the many small bones and joints of the foot that may have shifted out of place from activity or inflammation/injury.  This not only offers immediate pain relief in many cases, but can dramatically help with more even distribution of weight over the feet and ankles.  

Many times, the misalignment leading to foot pain is elsewhere in the body, such as the lower back.  The sciatic nerve, which begins near the base of the spine, runs all throughout the lower extremities before ending near the toes.  Compressed or irritated nerves in the lower lumbar region can absolutely radiate all the way to the foot. 

Another important component of chiropractic medicine is gait analysis and body mechanic evaluation. 

By observing a patient’s gait and other movement patterns, we can often identify issues such as overpronation, when the foot rolls excessively inward during weight-bearing activities, and supination, when the foot rolls outward. Over time, this uneven weight distribution will lead to pain and injury.

The stress from poor biomechanics in the foot can alter movement patterns to the point that pain is not limited to the feet and ankles, but extends to the knee, hip, spine and beyond. 

Foot and ankle pain can come on suddenly or gradually, and can interfere with daily life. It’s important not to delay diagnosis and treatment of these injuries, as they can often lead to long-term disability if not properly treated. 

DTX Sports Medicine employs a variety of modalities to identify the cause of foot and ankle pain and restore full functionality.  Let us show you how chiropractic care can be beneficial in relieving pain, rehabbing injury and reducing inflammation from chronic conditions. 

Call DTX Sports Medicine Today!

DTX Sports Medicine can identify the cause of your pain and use proven modalities to relieve discomfort and slow the progression of symptoms to keep you active.