Cupping Services

Cupping Services

While many of us first became aware of cupping therapy when Michael Phelps debuted his reddish-colored suction marks at the 2016 Olympics in Rio, you don’t have to be an Olympian to benefit from this sports recovery tool. Cupping is an excellent way for athletes of all levels to recover from intense training or race day and better prepare for the next event.

What is Cupping Therapy?

Cupping, like many holistic medical treatments, is an ancient Eastern practice successfully used to treat a variety of conditions including muscle fatigue and soreness, among others. It involves using heated glass cups placed strategically on the skin of the back (and sometimes other areas) trapping air underneath. As the air slowly cools, it creates a suction that, upon removal of the cups, gently pulls the blood to or away from a specific area.

Like deep tissue massage, cupping therapy can dramatically increase blood flow to compromised areas, reduce inflammation and loosen constricted muscles and connective tissues.  However, it can be a more targeted way to hone in on specific sites of pain or injury.

In addition, cupping both stimulates the breakdown of acids and body toxins that impede the recovery process, and frees up the biological pathways of elimination.

The benefits of cupping therapy have bonus effects of strengthening immunity and encouraging relaxation. 

Cupping is one of many therapies we offer at DTX Sports Medicine as part of our sports chiropractic training and rehabilitation services.

Whether you’re interested in cupping as part of an ongoing athletic training program for more optimized performance or for use after an injury to speed up the healing process, it’s important to consult a trained and licensed professional to discuss the many potential ways you might benefit.

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DTX Sports Medicine can identify the cause of your pain and use proven modalities to relieve discomfort and slow the progression of symptoms to keep you active.